Services I Offer


Visions come to Judy as she meets with you through what she is able to feel or "see". Images are shared through your guides to hers and the visions are interpreted as to how a situation is likely to play out.

The future is read based on your energy at the time of your reading. Forecasts can result using laws of Cause and Effect. The law of attraction can be used to achieve what you desire, prepare you for, or even prevent situations from happening that you do not want.


Judy has the ability to share with you messages and confirmation that deceased loved ones are with you at times. If you wish to disclose who you want to receive a message from it will give you a specific connection to that soul. If you can just imagine there may be quite a crowd around you during a session including pets that are wanting to say hello. Sometimes Spirit will identify themselves right away and come through on their own. Otherwise it's important for Judy to knock on the right door (so to speak)
Please wait at least a month or two before trying to connect with a departed loved one. Judy respects the spirit world and refrains from disturbing their new found peace. When the initial heaviness of grief is lifted spirit can connect with us easier through love.

Tarot Cards

Combined with Judy's finely tuned Intuition, this reading is given using a 78 card deck with each card having a different illustration and meaning. Judy uses what she calls an extended version of the Celtic Cross using 15 cards which have been shuffled extensively. She stops when they "feel" right and lays the cards.
Once again the cards predict future events that have not yet happened. Nothing is carved in stone. Even though she tries to present info in a positive way warnings may come through. This is designed to prevent things from happening and help you take a more proactive role in your life.


With every reading Judy starts out with a prayer and asks for your birthday. This gives her info on your Sun Sign, your element, power number and how to use it, and the birds associated with your sign.
Combined she is able to read relationships with other signs that are compatible or challenging. Also career choices are suggested based on when you were born.
Each year from our one birthday to the next a theme is to be experienced. Judy can tell you in a 9 year cycle what to expect. It gives her a snapshot of where you are in your destiny and why things are happening or when they should happen in the future.


This is Judy's ability to interpret any dreams you have had. They may predict future events or give you messages that are confusing. Judy can tap into your subconscious and confirm or clear up any concerns.
This is where Deja vu is experienced. You may go somewhere and feel you have been there before. You meet someone and feel you have met them before.
We pre-dream a lot of situations that haven't happened yet then when we have that experience it will seem familiar.
Deja vu is a good sign that you are where you should be in your destiny at the time it is felt.