Frequently Asked Questions

Q…Can a reading be shorter or longer than the times listed?

A…Yes, if you frequently see Judy then a shorter reading or follow up reading can answer 1 or 2 quick questions. If a lot of issues are going on in your life then the hour can be extended. *Please discuss with Judy pricing for these requests.

Q…Can I have a friend or family member sit in with me for the reading?

A…No. Judy reads energy that comes from you physically. If two or more people are gathered it will be harder to separate what message is for whom. *Couple readings are exempt.

Q…Can I ask about someone in my reading?

A…Yes you can. It is best if you have their complete birthday as it is through this Judy can connect with them.

Q…Can I show a picture of someone I would like to ask about?

A…Yes but it must be a recent picture as the picture is a snapshot of their energy at the time it was taken. If the person has passed then of course an older picture is okay.

Q…Can I record the session?

A…Yes you can record on your phone or computer. Judy does not record the session but it is best to have a pen and paper ready to take notes if needed.

Q…Is a phone or zoom reading as accurate as in person?

A…Over the phone* I use your voice vibration to connect with you. With Zoom readings we see and hear each other live so there is no difference with information that is picked up. Both are free to use with no added expense of having to travel.
*I will call you if you're not on a long distance plan

Q…How do I pay you for the reading?

A…Payment with etransfer prior to the reading or Visa or Master card at the start of the session.

* Readings are for informative and spiritual educational purposes only. In no way is the information given meant to replace qualified medical or psychological advice.