
I always do my best to return inquiries within 48 hours
Please call me at 519 859 5839 or fill out the following form

I have transitioned to a virtual format and provide service via Zoom or Phone.

For larger gatherings or events I will provide in person readings.


1) If you could have first names and birthdays of those you would like to ask about it helps Judy connect with them.

2) It's your time we are using. Especially in a shorter reading if you have areas of your life you have questions about bring them up. Having to play a guessing game of why you want a reading is misuse of your time.

3) Judy's use of Clairvoyance allows her to "see" into your future. You may not understand Information that is given right away.

4) If the information is favorable...attract it or allow it. If it is not then be proactive with the message that is given. This can prepare you for what is coming or help you prevent it from happening.